React Vs Angular: What's The Difference?

React Vs Angular: What's The Difference?
October 17, 2021

When it comes to choosing your next front-end technology for your website, you'll probably be bombarded with requests from marketers and developers alike about the advantages and disadvantages of each.

The truth is that what either technology really does, and whether or not it's right for you and your idea will depend on many factors: what your company is like, what industry you currently work in, and how much comfortability you have dealt with web development.

React is an open-source front-end web application framework developed and maintained by Facebook while Angular is a powerful front-end web application framework developed and maintained by Google. React provides a view format, whereas Angular exposes a declarative programming language ideal for turning HTML into interactive, responsive UI.

Here we are going to see the top differences that can help you to choose what is the best for you and your project.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library. It's fast and flexible, making it easy to build interactive interfaces, those with instant feedback from users. It has no renderings engine so it can't create web pages like Angular does. This makes React thin and easy to learn for developers who are new to web development.

What is Angular?

Angular is a front-end framework for designing and building asynchronous web applications, mainly through the use of JavaScript. This makes it a good choice for those looking to develop single-page web applications that require rich interactive features.

The Angular team has made efforts to keep its code clean and well documented, which allows developers working with other front-end tools to easily transition from Angular to the Vue.js library or React library.

Data Binding

Data binding is probably one of the most important features to consider when picking a framework. You basically tie an event that occurs with an object property to a specific property of another property on the same property, causing the property on the other property to update its counterpart in the browser.


React provides one-way data binding, meaning the flow is now one-directional. One-way data-binding also means that elements in the UI cannot affect the state of the application's components.

Data bindings in React allow users to describe the data that is used inside of the UI. They use both properties and events to synchronize changes with underlying data stores for better performance.


Angular allows two-way data binding, where the flow is two-directional. Two-way data binding means that if we modify the UI input, the model state will change, and vice versa.

Google Trends

Blue Line - React, Red Line - Angular

Backed By


This JavaScript library is backed by Facebook, making it available to the majority of the web and mobile development community. Facebook's major application of React is React Native.

The company has been using this framework to create software that will run on both iOS and Android. It enables developers to produce native app experiences with a significantly lower engineering investment and time without the need for each developer to be a component expert or architect.


Angular is backed by Google and is one of the most commonly used libraries for front-end development. Google is very strict with the frequency of changes in Angular which has created stability around its features.


Architecture is where you start with all the important components that talk to each other. You don't want one component doing all of the work because then your application becomes too heavy or not scalable. When you structure your software architecture, you will end up with a better app for users with fewer bugs and also more maintainable code.

Architecture is a plan that guides the construction, implementation, and expected future use of a product or system.


ReactJs library is just a view that caters to the user interface. It has no enforced architecture pattern and can be used with many different architecture patterns.


Angular supports MVVM Architecture. Model–View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a pattern of software architecture primarily designed for developing user interfaces using a modern declarative programming language. One way MVVM is generally implemented, is by separating the models from the view code, which makes testing easier.

GitHub (Oct-2021)

GitHub is a platform where developers and designers can work on their projects and acquire feedback more quickly and efficiently than they would otherwise be able to. This type of service is becoming increasingly common as technology evolves and more open-source projects collect developers loading more frequently.


Stars: 176K

Fork: 35.6K



Stars: 77.1K

Fork: 20.2K


CLI (Command Line Interface)

A command-line interface or CLI for short is a text-based interface that allows computer users to enter commands in order to make the computer perform specific tasks. While operating in command mode, users can interact with the file system and other processes in ways not all possible when using a graphical user interface.


React does not have a built-in CLI but most of the developers use create-react-app to scaffold a new app


Angular has its own CLI tools Angular CLI, The Angular CLI is a tool that helps you initialize, develop, and maintain Angular applications directly from a command shell. You can also create new applications easily with it.

Companies Using


  • Facebook
  • Bloomberg
  • Uber Eats
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • Discord
  • Skype
  • Pinterest
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Walmart
  • Wix
  • Figma


  • Google
  • Forbes
  • PayPal
  • Upwork
  • Microsoft Xbox
  • Sony

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