8 Useful Cheatsheets for Front-End Developers

8 Useful Cheatsheets for Front-End Developers
April 11, 2023

Cheat sheets are essential for students and professionals because they summarise important information, concepts, and commands.

They can quickly refresh memory or find specific details without having to search through extensive documentation or materials.

Whether you're in the middle of a project, use cheatsheets every day as a reference, or are simply curious about what others are using, these must-read cheatsheets are the perfect refresher and introduce efficiency while they help with your front-end development workflow.

1. HTML Cheatsheet

For front-end developers, one of the most important tools they need is a good HTML cheat sheet. A good HTML cheat sheet will help you understand the basics of HTML so that you can create more efficient and user-friendly websites.

If you’re not familiar with HTML concepts, this HTML cheat sheet will teach you everything you need to know. With a cheat sheet in hand, you’ll be able to make better websites faster and easier.

Link: https://htmlcheatsheet.com

2. Website Setup CSS Cheatsheet

One of the most important things a front-end developer can do is to have a good understanding of CSS. This makes it easy to create polished websites.

One great resource for CSS beginners is websitesetup.org cheatsheet. This website has a comprehensive CSS cheat sheet that will help you learn the basics of CSS quickly.

Link: https://websitesetup.org/css3-cheat-sheet/

3. SheCodes JavaScript Cheatsheet

If you're a front-end developer, you'll need to know the ins and outs of JavaScript. This comprehensive SheCodes JavaScript cheat sheet will help you with everything from basics to more advanced techniques.

This cheat sheet covers everything from basic syntax to advanced DOM manipulation and animations. It also includes tips on creating smooth user experiences, debugging code, and more.

If you're looking to up your skills as a front-end developer, SheCodes' JavaScript cheat sheet is a must-read.

Link: http://cheatsheets.shecodes.io/javascript

4. React Cheatsheet

React is a popular front-end development framework that has continued to gain popularity in recent years.

If you are new to React, or if you are a seasoned front-end developer looking for a reference guide, we highly recommend checking out React Cheatsheet. This cheat sheet covers all of the basics of React, from installation and configuration to working with files and development tools.

Link: http://www.developer-cheatsheets.com/react

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5. Oscarotero JQuery Cheatsheet

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that helps developers to create smooth and responsive web frontends.

One of the best jQuery cheatsheets is the Oscarotero JQuery Cheatsheet. This guide contains detailed instructions on how to use all of the library's features. It is a must-read for any front-end developer who wants to improve their skills.

Link: https://oscarotero.com/jquery/

6. Angular Cheatsheet

To make your life easier, the Angular Team compiled a comprehensive Angular cheatsheet. You'll find everything from syntax definitions to tips and tricks. So whether you're brand new to Angular or just need a refresher, this cheatsheet is for you.

Link: https://angular.io/guide/cheatsheet

7. Bootstrap Cheatsheet

Bootstrap is a favorite front-end development toolkit due to its simplicity, cross-browser support, and modularity. This bootstrap cheat sheet covers many of the basic features of Bootstrap, including responsive design, forms, and fonts.

If you're new to Bootstrap or need a refresher on some of the basics, this cheat sheet is a great resource. It's also handy if you want to develop with Bootstrap on your own website or app.

8. CSS animations & effects cheat sheet

One of the most important skills a front-end developer can have is CSS animation. Animations can make your web pages look more dynamic and engaging, and they can also help to keep elements organized and concise.

One of the best resources for learning CSS animation is the CSS Animation Cheatsheet. This document contains detailed instructions on how to create various types of animations using CSS. It also includes tips and tricks for making your animations more efficient.

Link: https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/css-animations-effects-cheat-sheet/

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