Step by step guide to become a react developer by learning important topics without getting confused
A React developer is a person who has the essential skills and knowledge to build and maintain React websites and applications. They typically have a strong background in web development, combined with experience building reactive user interfaces. This means that they understand how to design and build user interfaces that react to user input in real-time.
If you follow this roadmap that covers important topics to become a front-end developer then it will take around 120-130 days to become a front-end developer, By doing 7-8 Hours study daily. and building at least 2-3 mini projects given in the raodmap.
To become a react developer we have created this roadmap to help you learn important topics and skills. You will have to go by one-by-one phase by reading all topics given in each phase. It will be great if you give your 60% time to practice and 40% for reading.