WhatsApp APIs are now available to all types of businesses

WhatsApp APIs are now available to all types of businesses
May 20, 2022

There is a good chance that you have already heard of WhatsApp, the popular chat application which can help you easily connect with your loved ones in some way. It is ultimately free to use but offers plenty of amazing features within the app to keep users engaged and attached. For these reasons, many businesses have started to consider taking advantage of this safe and secure chat application for their future developments.

Yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg announced that WhatsApp business APIs will be available to small and medium businesses, It's good news for startups and small businesses to engage and grow their users.

Here are 5 few tips about WhatsApp API that can help us to get good software engagement and grow the business:

1. Good message Open Rate

The average open rate of emails is 28-33% according to HubSpot, With WhatsApp API it will be far better(Above 90%) because almost every user opens personal messages.

2. Increase User Engagement

WhatsApp can be used to engage the users by sending important updates and information with an action link

3. To get back registered users

If the user is not logged in to the system for a long time we can send them useful offers and information to remind and bring them back to our platform.

4. To Increase the sales

When the user performs some activities like checking the subscription plan and using premium features many times, then we can send him a message to subscribe to the product.

5. To add New Users

If we send the valuable information and updates to the customer with our site link that is useful to his friends and colleagues and if they share the same information in the groups then it will bring new users to our platform

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