Top 5 Websites Built With ReactJs

Top 5 Websites Built With ReactJs
October 28, 2021

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for front-end development that's known for being one of the fastest frameworks out there. Creating your own project with ReactJS can be challenging, but luckily there are some websites out there that you can learn from! These are some examples of the best ReactJS projects on the web.

1. Airbnb

One of the most well-known websites to be built with ReactJs is Airbnb. Its home page is simple, yet clear. Open-source developers are always encouraged to check the Airbnb website to see how ReactJs can be used for more than just an eCommerce website, but a full functioning website as well.

2. Facebook

Facebook’s staple website is built on the React JS platform and needs no introduction. React JS handles all the tasks in a fast and flexible manner, and its expansive list of features makes it a practical choice for enterprise solutions. The benefits: React JS has a rich ecosystem and provides fast and comprehensive solutions.

3. Uber

This is a great app I personally use to request taxis. The riders get to see an automated estimate of how much the fare will be (and can even put together a group order) and then the driver sends the trip details once they accept it, which speeds up trips.

You can also see your account's balance, contact customer service 24/7, and enter referral codes for different promotions. The end result is a lightweight app that has the exact feel and UI of the source Uber app.

Uber is an app that fits around the idea of 'leaving the driving decision up to you. Its low-cost services provide you with many options so you can choose what kind of ride you want. All payments are instantly calculated for your convenience.

The Uber Engineering team foresaw this problem because they established User Experience Design as one of the core disciplines. They were deeply integrated with the product teams and understood the pain points for engineers.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular social media website that offers people the ability to upload their pictures, share them with their friends and publicize events. They have been around since 2010 and now have millions of monthly users as well as a huge value as a company.

Out of the five websites that we looked at react.js, Pinterest is probably the most well-known and popular. The reason for this might be because of its use and implementation with technology to dominate social media and internet marketing.

5. Instagram

ReactJS is gaining big popularity in the developing world because of its developer-friendly nature. The framework is simple and yet functional and offers a solution to complicated JavaScript application development.

Instagram is the American photo and video sharing social network currently owned by Facebook. It was created back in 2010 when it had just 13 employees.

Instagram migrated to ReactJs in March 2016 and saw a speed increase of 60% and improvements became even more pronounced when they introduced server-side rendering: network dispatch.

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