Top 5 React UI libraries to design great websites

Top 5 React UI libraries to design great websites
December 04, 2022

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook to create UI.

It provides a great starting point with a lot of components and styles, letting you rapidly develop applications for both any screen size and offering the capability to proceed with fully custom elements if necessary.

All React UI libraries have been developed from scratch with the specification that they work on all browsers, unlike most other UI frameworks that offer limited browser compatibility.

What are UI libraries?

They are toolkits used to make designer's lives easier. They provide component libraries of pre-made items for users to use in building their projects like menus, buttons, alerts, etc.

The plugins also reduce the need of designing every single element on the page which saves time and helps avoid frustrating situations for our visual designers.

1. MUI

MUI offers a strong, customizable, and accessible library of foundational and advanced components that you can use to kickstart building a design system for your company or create React applications quicker.

Check this React UI Library:

2. Shards React

The React version of Shards features the same design system as the original mobile app. It will impress your users with smooth interactions and a simple design.

Shards Reactive is open-source on GitHub and available as an NPM package.

You can also download it here and work with the files directly to add features that fit your needs.

The React version of Shards supports the Material and Fontawesome icon packs.

It also includes all the custom elements in Shards, including date pickers, range sliders, toggle inputs, and more.

Check this library:

3. Chakra

Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.

You can customize any part of our components to match your design needs with the React library.

It is optimized for multiple color modes. You choose whether you want light or dark.

Check this awesome library now:

4. React Bootstrap

React-Bootstrap is a set of React components that replace Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery.

React-Bootstrap has been around for a long time and, as one of the oldest React libraries, has evolved and grown alongside React. This makes it an excellent choice as your UI foundation.

Check this library UI:

5. Semantic UI React

Semantic is a development framework that helps create beautiful, functional layouts using human-friendly HTML.

Semantic UI treats words and classes as the same thing. Classes use syntax from natural languages like noun/modifier relationships, word order, and plurality to link concepts intuitively.

Semantic uses easy phrases called behaviors that trigger functionality.

Each behavior is a setting in a component that developers can modify.

Check this UI library:


The most interesting thing about React UI libraries is that they are open-sourced projects, meaning that you have the liberty to choose the best or use it with your web design, or even create an entirely new one.

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