How To Become A Full Stack Web Developer

How To Become A Full Stack Web Developer
September 06, 2021

Making your way as a web developer can be tough, but the good news is that you don't have to be an expert in all of this stuff. You just need to know enough about each part of the stack to use them correctly and understand what the other technologies are doing behind the scenes.

Full-stack web development is a term that means the developer has mastered frontend and backend technologies. In this blog post, we recommend what you need to be a full-stack web developer

What is a Full-stack Developer?

A full-stack developer can code on both the front and back ends. They're responsible for building a web application from data storage to file systems and processes, as well as ensuring a seamless user experience across a variety of devices from desktops to smartphones.


HTML is a markup language that tags words and allows you to structure the content for how it will be seen on a webpage. This helps keep text easy to read and structuring the layout of the webpage in a helpful format to easily find information.

2. CSS

The acronym stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is the language that rules the design and layout of a webpage. Every website has a set of stylesheets, organized according to which element they apply to font, images, body, etc.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is very popular on the web because it is often used on websites to display animations, calculate results for online forms, and validate form data. JavaScript code can be added to HTML elements within web pages or combined with text on an HTML page.

JavaScript is a computer programming language that was first used by Netscape Communications to make the Navigator web browser. After version 4, JavaScript was rapidly spread to different applications. For instance, it has been embedded in browsers for many purposes such as games, interactive page content, and animations after a user interacts with a web application or website and are also used to develop mobile and desktop applications.

4. JavaScript Framework or Library(Choose 1)

  • ReactJs: ReactJS is a library from Facebook to create dynamic user interfaces. It is based on a different paradigm, the virtual DOM, which keeps in memory each possible state of the application and manages updates for it. ReactJS was released in 2013 and soon became insanely popular. Today is a very powerful tool in the industry. Many companies have been adopting ReactJS for building their applications, including Netflix, Atlassian or Walgreens
  • Angular: Angular is a framework for building applications running in one or more browsers. Angular can work with many different types of front-end technologies such as TypeScript, HTML, SVG, and more. Angular focuses on separating out the benefits that web application development offers without adding too much of its own complexity and complementary technology overhead. Angular uses two-way data binding to keep the views and underlying data model in sync without writing too much code.
  • VueJs: Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike many monolithic frameworks like Angular and React, Vue was designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. It includes composable view components and has a unidirectional data flow that makes state changes easy to reason about.

5.CSS Framework(Choose 1)

  • Twitter Bootstrap: Bootstrap framework is a free front-end web framework for developing websites and web applications. It encourages the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in favor of more complicated technologies such as ASP.NET or PHP. Front-end frameworks can help you build a website in a short time, boosting the Web developer's productivity.
  • Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS is a CSS utility that aims to make the creation of responsive layouts quick and easy. it gives you the ability to create a layout that doesn't have to be over-thought or fit into a framework, but instead, just fit into a known set of classes which Tailwind takes care of for you

6. Database(Choose 1)

  • MongoDB: MongoDB is a highly scalable, robust, and reliable document-oriented database. It achieves scalability by partitioning reads and writes among nodes in a distributed way, rather than having every node handle all operations for the entire dataset.
  • MySQL: MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that was originally written in the "low-level" language SQL and designed for the storage of very large databases.
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is a powerful, world-class open source object-relational database that has more than 30 years of active development. PostgreSQL has extensive features and provides strong support for highly demanding data-driven applications, including all the features expected in a modern relational database management system - concurrent transactions, replication, triggers, foreign keys, subqueries which are both mixed types of data coming from other table sources or self-defined aggregate functions with BIGINT data type rules, data type validation, etc.

7. Backend Framework with its programming langauge(Choose 1)

  • Express.js(JavaScript): Express.js is a framework for NodeJS, which allows you to simplify your server-side application. It's ideal for writing web server apps that are heavy on routing, streaming data, or providing access to databases across environments.
  • Laravel(PHP): Laravel is often used as a framework for powering modern PHP packages and web applications. It is a popular choice for a wide variety of PHP developers, from beginners to experts. For the beginner developer, Laravel’s convention-based configuration can help build a fantastic application with minimal coding that still comes with plenty of power.
  • Spring(Java): The Spring Framework is an application framework for developing applications, primarily web applications. It provides abstractions for common enterprise Java patterns like MVC (model-view-controller) and dependency injection. Spring was originally designed to support the development of large enterprise Java applications.
  • Django: Django is a free and open-source web development framework written in Python. It emphasizes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

8. Tools

  • Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a code editor where you can do all your programming work. You use it to write code, access GitHub, build projects, and carry out debugging on the web. Visual Studio Code has powerful features like IntelliSense suggestions which help you write codes quickly without errors. It's also expandable with plugins that let you customize your perfect coding environment.
  • GitHub: GitHub is a web-based hosting service and source code management company offering free and paid plans for teams. GitHub offers social networking, collaborating with other developers, publishing tarballs of software, and managing access rights. Git is known particularly for its local branching, fast branching, and merging with an open development process out of the box.
  • Postman: Postman is a great product for API management, testing, and monitoring. It can be used on an individual basis, but it is also ideal for teams. It has tools for API development, documentation, security testing, service monitoring, mocking of external dependencies.

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