Cryptocurrency payments to start on WhatsApp. Novi Digital allows some users in US to send and receive money in cryptocurrency through the WhatsApp

Cryptocurrency payments to start on WhatsApp. Novi Digital allows some users in US to send and receive money in cryptocurrency through the WhatsApp
December 11, 2021

Novi Meta Platforms, the company behind the cryptocurrency wallet Novi, has started allowing selected users in the US to send and receive money through one of the most popular messaging apps WhatsApp.

Novi and WhatsApp have partnered to make sending money to family and friends incredibly quick and easy. You can easily send and receive money on WhatsApp because Novi makes digital wallets easy.

“There’s a new way to try the @Novi digital wallet. Starting today, a limited number of people in the US will be able to send and receive money using Novi on @WhatsApp, making sending money to family and friends as easy as sending a message,” Novi head tweeted.

Novi uses digital currencies that make sending money as easy as sending a message, starting with USDP (Pax Dollar). When you add money to your Novi account, we’ll convert it to USDP. On Novi, 1 USDP is equal to $1 USD.

Novi platform makes it easy to verify your identity. They take additional verification steps when needed, such as asking for a video selfie. This keeps your account and Novi safe by helping ensure that everyone signing up is who they say they are.

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