Best Rich Text Editors to add content writing feature to your website

Best Rich Text Editors to add content writing feature to your website
August 29, 2021

Everyone has their own favorite software for writing, whether that is Word, Notepad, or even Google Docs. But if you're looking to find a place to write content and publish it on your website, then this article will give you the list of the top rich text editors to write a blog or content on your websites like stack overflow editor or WordPress editor.

1. Quill

Quill is an open-source library that allows designers and engineers to create rich, interactive documents. It bridges the gap between code or raw HTML/CSS content and makes it easy to author content while giving live previews of generated formatting and behavior.

Quill is a free, open-source editor that's built to help you create professional layouts. By using it alongside other modern tools, it can be customized to meet any need.



CKeditor is an online WYSIWYG HTML and WYAN layout editor that has proven to be one of the languages most complete and versatile. It offers a large number of tools, such as:- syntax highlighting for multiple scripting languages,- collaborative editing in real-time by several people,- all the usual formatting filters (fonts, colors, sizes),- images insertion with duration control, - resizable browser desktop.

CKEditor is written in ES6 with MVC architecture, custom data model, virtual DOM.



The WYSIWYG editor that's flexible, customizable, and designed with the user in mind. TinyMCE can handle any challenge—from the most simple implementation through to the most complex use case. TinyMCE is an online rich-text editor that converts HTML Textarea fields and other HTML elements into further editor instances. It is open-source software under the LGPL.

TinyMCE is designed to quickly integrate with JavaScript libraries such as React, Vue.js, AngularJS, and Bootstrap and content management systems such as Joomla!, and WordPress.



Summernote is a lightweight, full-featured rich text editor for the web. It is designed to be fast and simple with unlimited future features. This web text editor is capable of formatting text in multiple columns, converting images into e sliders, and more.

You can integrate it with any back-end system and 3rd party support available with Django, Rails, and angular.



Draft.js is a framework that enables you to build rich text editors with a powerful and composable interface. It centralizes the handling of key events, providing consistency and easing the task of complex text layouts. The framework provides tools to ease transitions between modes such as preview and edit, allows undo/redo history, and offers a flexible API to build custom widgets for composing documents from reusable blocks.

Draft.js is a framework that integrates into React applications smoothly. It simplifies rendering, input, and selection by tying them together into a convenient interface that can be easily extended and customized to the specifics of your app.


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