5 Best Books for Software Developers

5 Best Books for Software Developers
August 15, 2021

Software development is a dynamic and ever-changing field with skills that are required in so many different industries and profiles. It can be wonderfully challenging to keep up to date with the latest developments, technological advances, as well as compliance with new or old frameworks. Books can be a useful resource for this – giving you information on essential concepts, pitfalls, and related fields that might be of interest, too!

Why should I read books?

Reading books will make you better at solving problems and most importantly is that it will intellectually stimulate you. Reading books is not only an important skill for generating knowledge but is also crucial for cognitive development and enhancement.

In this age of information where we can find anything on the Internet, I think that reading books is still a good idea. And if you don’t know what book to read next about software development here are the best books for software developers that will change your thinking and working style. 

How do I get the most out of reading these books?

All these books have to offer something to help boost your skills, but you will benefit a ton from reading all of them. Read with a highlighter. After each sentence, identify what stands out the most to you. Relate every topic with your work that will help you to understand better and then you can use those tips, principles, and tricks in your real work and will help you to grow your career.

What are the 10 best books for software developers?

This blog post is made in order to help you find out the answer to this question. We recommend leveraging software reviews, customer feedback, and team member input before making a buying decision.

There are many books that have provided immense help for developers. Choosing the right book can be tough. Here are 5 books we think all software engineers should read.

1.Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions

Including 189 programming interview questions, this book will help you find the right answers. This guide contains a little bit of everything from simple problems to tricky ones. The answers to each of the 189 problems are broken down so that they can be unraveled with the same ease as a real interview.

You will learn five strategies to solve algorithm questions so that you can bypass difficult questions on the exam. - Extensive coverage of core topics like big O time, data structures, and core algorithms.

Get an inside look into how Google and Facebook hire developers. Learn about the techniques they use to prepare for and excel at the soft side of the interview: behavioral questions.

Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Link: Read Now

2.Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

Steve Krug specializes in data design and has helped hundreds of thousands of Web designers and developers create sites with intuitive navigation. Many people with experience on the topic advise reading this book for instructions.

Now, Steve Krug returns with fresh thoughts and renewed passion to examine the principles that made Don't Make Me Think a classic. He has updated this classic with examples of how to use these principles to understand mobile devices.

“After reading it over a couple of hours and putting its ideas to work for the past five years, I can say it has done more to improve my abilities as a Web designer than any other book.”

–Jeffrey Zeldman, author of Designing with Web Standards.

Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Link: Read Now

3. Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual 1st Edition

For most software developers, the parts they like the least are work-related. They find it difficult to keep themselves happy and healthy, while making enough money, interacting with clients, getting along with coworkers and managers, and staying productive.

Arranged as a collection of 71 short chapters, this fun-to-read book invites you to dip in wherever you like. Afterwards, read the Taking Action section to see how you can get quick results.

Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Link: Read Now

4.Head First Design Patterns

Your time is too valuable to spend struggling with unfamiliar ideas. This book is filled with engaging illustrations, fun and challenging exercises, and real-world examples, Head First Design makes learning about design easy.

Upon finishing this book, you will be able to take advantage of the best practices and design experiences from those who have successfully this beast.

Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Link: Read Now

5.Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

This is the most recommended and favorite book of software developers.

Although the code might function, poorly written code can cause a development organization to suffer. Every year, countless hours are wasted and resources aren’t utilized to their full potential because of the bad code being used.

Learn to identify the difference between good and bad code, as well as how to write good code. Understand what makes for a good function or object. Finally, learn some methods for deciphering difficult variables and function names, and many more.

Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Link: Read Now

Bookmark this link to stay tuned for more information on the best upcoming books for software developers. We promise to grab them as soon as we can and add them to this page just for you.

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