A New List Of Top CSS Animation Libraries For Front End Developers

A New List Of Top CSS Animation Libraries For Front End Developers
August 11, 2022

Everyone needs a list of the best resources when they build something from scratch and have it work flawlessly. Creating animations is a way to make your website feel more responsive and alive.

These animation libraries are dedicated to doing just that, allowing you to hand-pick the animations you want on your site.

CSS animations are becoming more and more popular due to the way they add life and movement to websites and web applications.

They're easy to create and can be used in a variety of situations such as product presentations, interactivity, and much more. In this post, we've collected some of the best free CSS animation libraries that can be useful to front-end developers.

How do I use CSS animations in my project?

CSS animation is the process of changing an element's style in a set time span. The animations have no dependence on JavaScript. only the CSS you need to use for them to animate.

There can be many different layers to an animation, each layer being one or more keyframes.

What are the benefits of CSS Animations?

The benefits of CSS animations are numerous, from the smallest sites to the biggest company sites. Animated web pages attract visitors by drawing them closer and fostering an immediate response from them.

It's estimated that the average time a user will stay on a site increases by 20% whenever there is a CSS animation involved. This could be due to the audience being drawn into the animation or getting caught up in what it has to offer.

1.CSS Animation

This website is full of free animation tutorials and demos. You don't need to know anything about cssanimation or GreenSock, but you should know HTML and CSS3.

This library is too easy to install and implement. Anything you can do with this library can be shortened to an animation class name. So download it now and let’s get started.

CSS Animation Official Website: https://cssanimation.io/


Animate.css is a library of easy cross-browser animations for use in your web projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and attention-guiding hints.

Installing Animate.css with npm in your project

$ npm install animate.css --save

You can install with Yarn, this will only work with appropriate tooling like Webpack, Parcel, etc. If you are not using any tool for packing or bundling your code, you can just use the CDN method below):

$ yarn add animate.css

Import it into your file:

import 'animate.css';

Or add it directly to your webpage using a CDN:


Animate.css Official website: https://animate.style/

3. Magic Animation CSS3

Magic Animations is one of the most impressive animation libraries available. It has many animations, many of which are quite unique to this library. As with Animate.css, you can implement Magic by simply importing the CSS file.

You can also implement the animations using jQuery. This project offers a particularly cool demo application that shows off some of the best features offered by Magic Animations.

Magic Animation Official Website: https://www.minimamente.com/project/magic/

4. CSS Shake

This CSS animation creates the illusion of an articulated object shaking under continuous force. It can be used whether to give visual feedback that specific action has been successfully completed or to signify a loading activity in a progress bar.

CSS Shake Official Website: https://elrumordelaluz.github.io/csshake/

5. Hover.css

This is a massive collection of CSS3 powered hover effects that you can use on buttons and links and anything with an anchor element. You can use them all or just take one thing and use it. Hover.css is available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.

Hover.css effects are easy to use and come with instructions for adding hover effects on any element. Most of the effects use CSS3 properties like transitions, transforms, and animations so they will work great on modern browsers.

Check Hover.css Official Website: https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/

6. Animista

ANIMISTA is a website where you can find beautiful pre-made CSS animations, tweak them, and only download those you love so you don't have to waste time creating endless combinations.

Link: https://animista.net

7. Cattocss

Catto-CSS has four animation types: hovered, automatic, infinite, and scroll. Follow these steps to use cattocss in your project:

  • Download Catto-CSS
  • Include catto.css at the head of your file
  • Make a class in the element that you want animate
  • Select and copy the class in the Animations Section of the Catto Website (Comming Soon)
  • Paste the name of the animations in the element class

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