5 Linux Operating Systems For Programming

5 Linux Operating Systems For Programming
October 07, 2021

When it comes to developing software for any type of product, from a business to a small business to a start-up company, programming environments are everything. In this article, I introduce 5 different Linux operating systems that can be used not only for programming but for other purposes as well.

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems on the internet today. It's been able to keep up with various advances of high-performing codebases, which allows it to support any type of software development.

Linux is a very safe and reliable operating system with an abundance of features. Linux is free and open-source, making it easy for programmers to find and use. (Linux's) capabilities and scalability make it ideal for programming tasks that tend to become larger and larger over time.

1. Ubuntu

Ubuntu is easy to use and has plenty of features. It also makes it easier for many new programmers to get started with their careers in technology.

Ubuntu is one of the alternatives you can use to install your own personal computer. The problem with this operating system, along with all others, is that it's Microsoft-free. This means that there's no Windows Media Player, Windows Live Messenger or other software that comes with an operating system.

Ubuntu Free Software Foundation focuses on just programming items, making it much easier for programmers to use than other Linux variants.

Download Now: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop

2. Fedora

Fedora is a really excellent Linux distribution, offering a clean design and fast system speed. This operating system also includes programs that are effective for programmers. For example, the GCC development tools add features to your Linux simulator or your python scripts, making them easier to create on Linux.

Fedora is a Linux distribution that bills itself as "a professional, student-friendly operating system". It was created by Red Hat Linux and is based on the work of many hands. At the same time, it also marks the return of the desktop to Red Hat after a short migration to Scientific Linux.

Fedora is a great consideration amongst Linux operating systems for programming, being that it provides world-class reliability, is compatible with lots of software packages, is user-friendly, and keeps bug fixes up to date.

Download Now: https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/download/

3. Arch Linux

Arch Linux is great because it’s rolling release software so upgrades are almost always available the moment they become ready, there are minimal or no dependencies, and you can get everything for free! Arch is a highly available, powerful, lightweight base distribution. Because of this, it is the ideal distribution for programmers looking for minimal hassle while executing their development tasks. 

Antergos Linux is a lightweight and easy-to-use Linux but it is completely customizable with the use of AUR packages. It was made to be more compatible with other operating systems such as Windows and Mac with minimal effort.

Download Now: https://archlinux.org/download/

4. CentOS

Centos is a Linux operating system. It comes pre-installed with programs that are necessary for programming environments. If you are new to programming, this is the fastest way to get started since it already has the operating system ready for you. A Linux distribution, CentOS, is great for computer hackers, developers, and IT professionals. 

CentOs is the best Linux operating system for Linux programming. It includes a package manager that automatically manages software and security updates and can start (and keep!) programs that require specific libraries and tools without needing to be adjusted each time those tools change. It also has an intuitive command line, an automatic installer, and plenty of preinstalled software to take advantage of for your first project.

Download Now: https://www.centos.org/download/

5. Debian GNU/Linux

Debian GNU/Linux is the most popular Linux distribution, with over 30 million active users. Debian has supported community-developed software packages, free software, for decades now. Debian's efforts to make the distribution more secure through adding many additional security features provide an ideal platform for coders working in web development and other fields where operating systems are often targeted by exploit scripts.

Debian GNU/Linux is an advanced Linux distribution that boasts a huge library of packages. Its "pure" multi-user capable operating system can be used as a desktop or server solution, and its package management has a reputation for being the safest and most efficient in the industry.

Download Now: https://www.debian.org/download

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