10 Exciting and Challenging Projects For Beginner and Experienced Web Developers to Improve Skills

10 Exciting and Challenging Projects For Beginner and Experienced Web Developers to Improve Skills
September 16, 2021

Web development is a demanding and rewarding profession for those who know how to program and design websites. Luckily, learning the right skillsets and starting out with fewer resources can be tricky, but we created this list of ten projects that will help even the newest developer get started.

However, there are exciting projects for beginner and experienced web developers which will not take up all the time your brain wants to spare - but will encourage you to take your coding skills even further!

If you want to learn web development concepts like how forms work, how routing works, authentication, API. I recommend learning it using PHP, If you once understand the working of web development it will be easy to learn other technologies. Later you can choose your favorite or suitable language for your projects

1. Login Authentication

A challenge you can use to help improve your skills is to design a login page that allows users to sign up, sign in, or perform account management tasks. You can take this project further by adding features for email verification, account verification, and resetting the account password.

If you want to build an app or website in the future, this code can be reused. My suggestion for this project is to build API-based authentication using JWT.

Difficulty level: Medium

Estimated Time Required - 1-2 Weeks

What you will learn - Web Designing, Encryption and Decryption, Database management, Backend technology.

2. Webinar Registration System

Webinar registration system projects can teach you about HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL (You can choose another database system), Node.js(You can choose another technology for backends like Python or PHP), and more. With the necessary knowledge of these technologies, you can find tons of different ways to improve your developer skillset.

The great thing about this project is that you can take an existing registration system and really immerse yourself into it by implementing your own changes to the design of the site.

Difficulty level: Medium

Estimated Time Required - 1-2 Weeks

What you will learn - Web Designing, Database management, Backend technology.

3. Product Plan Page

If you're just starting out with web development, it can be overwhelming. It's understandable that you're still not clear on the most important "must-dos" in your digital journey towards becoming a solid developer. A product plan page provides a visual guide to connections between products, so you can quickly pinpoint how creative, specific, creative, skills will contribute to your project work.

Difficulty level: Easy

Estimated Time Required - 1 Week

What you will learn - Frontend development.

4. Content Management System

A content management system allows you to manage contents online in a responsible way, just like when editing texts in Word or iCloud documents. Web developers can create their own content management system by using any given technology stack or framework. They can also improve skills or learn new skills by trying out new APIs, microblogging services, advanced version control systems, and more.

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 2-3 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development.

5.e-Commerce System

Building an ecommerce system can be challenging, but it is also exciting. You get to learn a lot of new things and create something that people will use on a daily basis. An ecommerce system can be used for various purposes such as selling your own product, selling products from someone else's store, or running ads for a business.

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 2-3 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development.

6.Survey Form

Unquestionably, surveys are an essential part of websites. A good survey game can make you'll feel like an expert. By design, surveys are boring and repetitive which makes them difficult to remember everything about it. Users can submit their opinions on yours site and feedback is your chance for improvement.

Difficulty level: Easy

Estimated Time Required - 1 Week

What you will learn - Basics of full stack development.

7.Inventory Management Syetem

Building an inventory management system. There's many reasons why you would want to build such a site, but one of the bigger ones is to test your understanding of what you've learned about fontend as well as backend.

This project lets you create, list, show empty inventory of items using Unity using the most commonly used features. 

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 2-3 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development.

8.Instagram Clone

This project will teach you to set up a forked Instagram profile. When fully developed, the app will allow its users to post and share photos from personal computers using a web interface or from remote devices using a web application. This is a great project for web developers looking for an idea that can be developed into a powerful tool by making it multi-platform.

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 3-4 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development, Image processing, File system management.

9. Food ordering system

For starters, consider ordering food online, building the back-end to manage the orders placed by customers. You'll learn how to communicate with databases to store customer information. If you want to know more about APIs, work on building computer programs for these APIs so you can learn their functionality.

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 3-4 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development.

10.Real estate price prediction system 

The goal is to build a system to estimate sales prices of properties across neighborhoods. The system will be able to compare the estimate rates in various areas and perform gradient clustering in order to determine which neighborhoods have the most similar, accurate, and reliable estimates.

One of my favorite projects is an implementation on using Machine Learning algorithms to predict property prices. It is easy to implement with AWS, but the algorithm itself was challenging.

Difficulty level: Hard

Estimated Time Required - 2-3 Weeks

What you will learn - Full stack development, Third party API Integration.

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